Getting Started
If youβre building an ASP.NET Core Web API you can simply install the Ardalis.Result.AspNetCore package to get started. Then, apply the [TranslateResultToActionResult]
attribute to any actions or controllers that you want to automatically translate from Result types to ActionResult types.
Minimal API Example
Add the .ToMinimalApiResult()
extension method to the return statement of minimal APIs:
app.MapPost("/Forecast/New", (ForecastRequestDto request, WeatherService weatherService) =>
return weatherService.GetForecast(request).ToMinimalApiResult(); // π
Controller-based APIs
Add the [[TranslateResultToActionResult]
attribute to action methods to perform automatic translation. Be sure to change the return type of the method to a Result
or Result<T>
/// <summary>
/// This uses a filter to convert an Ardalis.Result return type to an ActionResult.
/// This filter could be used per controller or globally!
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[TranslateResultToActionResult] // π
[ExpectedFailures(ResultStatus.NotFound, ResultStatus.Invalid)]
public Result RemovePerson(int id)
return _personService.Remove(id);
/// <summary>
/// This uses a filter to convert an Ardalis.Result return type to an ActionResult.
/// This filter could be used per controller or globally!
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[TranslateResultToActionResult] // π
[ExpectedFailures(ResultStatus.NotFound, ResultStatus.Invalid)]
public Result<Person> CreatePerson(CreatePersonRequestDto request)
return _personService.Create(request.FirstName, request.LastName);
Alternately, you can use an extension method within the action method to translate a result to an ActionResult<T>
/// <summary>
/// This uses an extension method to convert to an ActionResult
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override ActionResult<Person> Handle(CreatePersonRequestDto request)
if (DateTime.Now.Second % 2 == 0) // just so we can show both versions
// Extension method on ControllerBase
return this.ToActionResult(_personService.Create(request.FirstName, request.LastName)); // π
Result<Person> result = _personService.Create(request.FirstName, request.LastName);
// Extension method on a Result instance (passing in ControllerBase instance)
return result.ToActionResult(this); // π